Since the sad closure of Requiem-Ravenshadow zines, who were our American agents, TLP zines are now only available from this web site.
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They cannot be read on this web site.
TLP Publications:
A new Voyage novel from Lindar, finally finished. Admiral Nelson is presumed lost after a clandestine spy mission to a foreign oil rig. But still alive, he fights interrogation by recalling his happiest memories. Time is running out before Seaview speeds to a daring rescue.
80 pages. Illustrated.
A multi-media anthology by Lindar and another contributor. The Lone Ranger, Sherlock, Highway to Heaven, Captain Scarlet.
60 pages. Illustrated.
The last Voyage slash anthology with 5 stories by Lindar and 4 by other excellent writers. The mix of stories here is a varied as possible, a pot-pourri of drama, angst and humour, with of course a spoonful of sex to help them all along.
Lindar's Happy Returns is short and sweet, a delightful little loving gift to open this new zine.
In Heart's Desire, Lindar has written a new slant on the Chip/Lee dilemma with a certain Admiral hovering in the background -- who else?
Jennifer's Captain's Cabaret is an S&M story, so you have been warned. But Lee's thoughts and feelings are still totally in character. It's fascinating (and informative!) and another for the Chip/Lee fans.
Lindar's The Experiment shows a vulnerable side to the indomitable Admiral while he's in the mad-scientist role that annoys Lee so much. But Lee, of course, is always there to help.
The Phantom of Ourselves by Dillya Kay is a new sequel to The Phantom episodes, but although similar themes have been written before -- never quite like this. Lee's lover in this story is not the Admiral, but an entirely different member of the crew.
In Forgiveness by Hayley, Lee finds a surprise in Nelson’s bed — and forgiveness is the last thing on his mind!
The Portal sends Crane and Nelson into a hair-raising episode in one of Lindar's special science-fiction based adventures, and this one will keep you on the edge of your seats.
And thank your lucky stars for The Captain's Waiting Game, a long-awaited sequel to her novel 'If There Are No Stars'. Due to ill-health this is not the full length novel The Captain hoped to write, but we are glad to see more of her universe, where we discover an unexpected secret from Lee's past.
121 pages, with illustrations.
A 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' slash anthology
With stories by Lindar, Tieta, Ishmael and Jade.
Jade has written two sweet, short tales of unspoken love with Encouter and End of the Nightmare.
Ishmael provides the final Through The Portholes story — bawdy humour set in that very alternate universe where Nelson performs 'favours' to earn Seaview's keep. Now, Lee isn't standing for it any longer. Should he buy Nelson a chastity belt — or marry him?
In Lindar's Freedom Is A Word, Lee's attachment to his old motor cycle may be merely escapism, or maybe it's a symbol of escape from an unpleasant past which shaped the man he is today.
Cradle of the Deep is another by Lindar, but this time it's Chip and Jamieson coming together in a charming story of awakening love.
Tieta's Redheads is a classic story of a jealous lover, while her Choices is a longer, even more classic hurt/comfort scenario with adventure, explosions, an injured Lee and a guilty Nelson.
Lindar's Night of the Drabarni is an island feast which sounds great, until Crane and Nelson meet la Drabarni — the seer who can read their past and foretell their future.
While finally Lindar's The Gift is a birthday present from a rather wicked Admiral.
Between the stories, as usual in our anthologies, are a selection of caption pictures, which please our wicked sense of humour.
131 pages - with many black and white illustrations.
An all-British slash anthology
With Roughest Courage by Sandi -- Soldier, Soldier
Holmes, Sweet Holmes by J.H. Watson -- Sherlock Holmes
The Curious Case of the Dusty Coat by Ophelia -- Sherlock Holmes
In the Interests of Science by Jan -- The Champions
No More Alibis by The Romantic Celt -- Perfect Scoundrels
Journey of Discovery by Lindar -- Journey Into Space
A Casual Affair by Jan -- The Champions
Under My Skin by The Romantic Celt -- Perfect Scoundrels
Pathetic/Pathetique by Olympian Heights -- The Professionals
Other Days, Other Ways by a public scoolboy -- Tom Brown/Flashman
Plus a collection of Drabbles, 100-word short-short stories with really witty or wicked themes.
This zine is uniquely produced with a brief introduction to the characters and (wherever possible) a picture of them, before each story.
How often have you found stories about a series or book you've barely even heard of? Now you'll get to know the men before you read about them, and who knows, you may even come to love them as much as the authors.
124 pages - with many black and white illustrations.
A Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea slash anthology
Twelve contributions by Lindar, the Captain, Ishmael, Katy, Julie, Shanlun, and Rubber Johnnie, plus ten Drabbles by Lindar, Julia, and Charlie Tuna.
Dream Chasers by Julia
A poignant tale of Crane and Nelson's first attraction and unrequited love.
Loved I Not Honour by Lindar
Also set in the past, on the Nautilus, another version of the same basic theme. The two stories make an interesting comparison of two writers' very different styles.
The Deepest Lie by Katy
A simple, elegant first-timer, the kind of story which never fails to warm the heart.
Downtown Knight by Lindar
An unusual glimpse into the background of Kowalski and Patterson.
Dreamtime by Shanlon
An illustrated prose-poem, with Seaview lost in watery fantasy world.
What A Thought! by the Captain
A wicked journey through the unbridled imaginations of Kowalski, Chip and Nelson. No prizes for guessing who is occupying those lascivious thoughts!
Silver and Black by Lindar
Lee's solo sojourn on his motorcycle when he's missing Nelson is really hot.
Up Periscope! by Lindar
A disgracefully sexy encounter in Seaview's control room.
Through The Porthole 1 and 2 by Ishmael
Two stories set in very alternate universe, where Nelson must earn his keep in the most unusual way.
Time and Tide - and a Scurrilous Sea Shanty by Rubber Johnnie
Both wicked contributions which will definitely raise a smile.
Recollections by Juila
A poignant jewel of a story which beautifully rounds off the chronological order of the entire zine.
There are also ten Drabbles, short-short stories with really witty or sexy themes.
117 pages - with many black and white illustrations.
A complete slash novelization of the two episodes 'The Phantom Strikes' and 'Return Of The Phantom'.
There have been more stories written about The two Phantom episodes than any others, but none of them, straight or slash, have ever seemed to offer the whole story, or fully to have explored the depth of Krueger's tragic, undying love and its parallel in the great love between Crane and Nelson. 'No Greater Love' sets the matter right in Lindar's unique style, and shows just how much more can be read between the lines than we ever get to see on screen.
This labour of love took Lindar two years to create, and the result is something that has never been attempted before -- an all out effort to make sense out of the incredible, and fill in the gaps that were impossible.
When Lee is taken over by Krueger, what happens to Lee's mind? He's not gone far, because he returns every time Krueger leaves. Is he overpowered and unaware? Our strong-willed and courageous captain? No way, he's in there fighting tooth and nail to claim his body back. But can Lee forgive Harry for that shot which almost killed him? Will Harry ever be able to forgive himself for allowing Krueger to take over his will and force the attempt on Lee's life? All the answers you ever wanted are right here.
No Greater Love has true love, and sex, and angst; all the familiar crew plus Krueger, Lani and Maria; mental struggles between Krueger's spirit and the minds of Crane and Nelson; the ultimate battle between good and evil. Seaview sinks, Mulayo explodes, Doc Jamieson rushes around trying to hold everyone together . . . there's hardly a moment to draw breath. In fact it's just like the true Voyage episodes -- only better by far!
145 pages - 20 black and white illustrations in the text.
A full length "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" novel.
Crane shifted his butt on the desk corner and stretched, breathing a small sigh. "Well, that's another long tour almost over. We'll soon be home."
"Ah, home." Nelson echoed the pleasant anticipation in Lee's voice. "That'll be nice. Anything you specially want to do?"
Nelson felt a slight flush rise to his cheeks at the brazen light in Lee's eyes as he was fixed by his captain's gaze.
It all seems like plain sailing as the submarine Seaview nears home - but Captain Crane and Admiral Nelson's amorous plans for shore leave are shortlived. A few hours after docking, Lee vanishes.
Has he been kidnapped by enemy agents and brainwashed for Seaview's defence secrets? When Nelson finds him, days later in a hospital hundreds of miles away, he cannot tell. Crane has lost his memory, not only of what happened to him since Seaview arrived at Santa Barbara - but also of the preceding eighteen months.
To Lee, the Admiral is a man he hero-worshipped as a young lieutenant, not even a close friend. He cannot recall his release from the navy and transfer to Seaview. Nor does he remember that the gay instincts he put on hold to further his career were awakened when he fell in love with Nelson.
Chip Morton is a shadow from the past, Sheriff Farlow is a prospect for the future, and Harriman Nelson? He is always at Lee's side, worried and frustrated, waiting and hoping for his lover to return. The plot weaves a complex tapestry of past and present before speeding to a thrilling climax.
166 pages - 99,600 words - 5 black and white illustrations.
A full length "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" novel.
Lee glanced back along the stretch of clean, sliver-white sand and came to a sudden halt. His jaw dropped, and for a moment he was so surprised he was unable to formulate a single constructive thought. A naked young man was walking out of the water, shining rivulets cascading off him as he stepped out of the shallows and onto the sand.
Who is this beautiful stranger from the sea, and why does his presence aboard Seaview cause disruption among the crew and such terrible temptation for Lee Crane? Is he just a man - or something else?
Despite its stolen human perceptions, it was incapable of imagining failure or defeat. It wanted Crane. It needed this man for its continued survival. To the creature that was now Tenamu Marcusson, the equation was as simple as that. It wanted - and it took.
As Lee succumbs to the invader's irresistible attraction, Nelson is left wondering and worrying - until the he discovers his betrayal. Will the Admiral's scientific mind see through the creature's guise - and will he be strong enough to defeat its power? And who wins, if Nelson's love and trust in Lee cannot be reclaimed?
This is a very sexy story. A tale of temptation, betrayal, jealousy and lust, set on Seaview with all the familiar characters we know and love. It is also pure science fiction, and the 'monster' is a tribute to the mermaid and the green cabbage man, in a form Irwin Allen could never have imagined in his wildest dreams. But the thread which holds 'Demons' together is the one true love which binds Lee Crane to Harriman Nelson, and nothing can come between them for ever. Neither the Angels in Heaven above - nor the Demon from under the sea.
152 pages - 89,500 words - 10 black and white illustrations.
ATHTAR by Lindar - Is now included in the Zine SIR MORE THAN KISSES
If you wish to purchase only this epic poem and accompanying text, it is available as a separate 22-page zine. Please [contact us] for details.
A 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' slash anthology, containing 7 stories by Lindar, all previously published in British and American fanzines.
The revised version now includes 'Those Crumbs of Heaven' and is available only from Triffid's Leg and Lionheart.
Under A Silent Sea.
Despite his outward calm efficiency, Lee Crane's dreams are haunted by Farrell's death.
Just For Being Alive.
After Lee is almost lost on an enemy submarine, Nelson's welcome is especially warm.
Confessions. - by Lindar and the Captain.
An exchange of love letters between Crane and Nelson reveals jealousy among the jokes.
This Stealthy Serpent.
Nelson's former lover causes spark to fly when he visits Santa Barbara and first meets Lee.
Those Crumbs of Heaven Time Can't Destroy.
A quirk in time enables Lee to see his future.
Highest Game of All. - by Lindar and the Captain.
In a longer exchange of letters, Crane and Nelson divulge their secret sexual fantasies.
145 pages, with black and white illustrations in the text.
A Multi-Media slash anthology containing 14 stories by Lindar, all previously published in other fanzines.
French Moonlight . . . . . Biggles.
Biggles and Algy discover love in war-torn France during the First World War.
Beneath the Mask . . . . . The Lone Ranger.
Does the Lone Ranger ever remove his mask?
Metamorphosis . . . . . Star Trek - Next Generation.
A humorous little twister of Picard and Q.
Fly Boys . . . . . Biggles.
Guess what Ginger really wants for his twenty-first birthday?
Planet of No Return . . . . . Planet of the Apes.
Two men alone in a future ruled by apes, discover a closer intimacy.
Thumbnail Sketch . . . . . Land of the Giants.
Captain Steve Burton and his co-pilot Dan examine their relationship in a new light.
Small Prey . . . . . Land of the Giants.
Steve must choose between love and duty when Dan is snatched by a giant spider.
A Time To Every Purpose . . . . . The Time Tunnel.
Doug and Tony face danger and discover their love amidst the ruins of Atlantis.
Colours of the Night . . . . . Captain Scarlet.
Scarlet's nightmares reveal that the indestructible Captain is still a vulnerable man.
Primary Colours . . . . . Captain Scarlet.
A flashback to Scarlet and Blue's first meeting.
The Colour of Love . . . . . Captain Scarlet.
Angered by his indestructibility, Scarlet turns to Blue for love.
The Colours of Blood and Twilight . . . Captain Scarlet.
Captain Black poses some serious questions for Scarlet.
Brothers In Arms . . . . . Thunderbirds.
Instead of rescuing others, now it's Virgil's turn to rescue Scott.
O Come All Ye Faithful . . . . . Thunderbirds.
A tongue-in-cheek Christmas romp for the Tracy brothers.
118 pages, with black and white illustrations in the text.
The following Voyage slash novels written by Lindar originally published by PP Press, are now distributed by Triffid's Leg Press.
This is a love-before-duty story with a core of steel. It is adventure on the high seas in the old style, with a secret weapon and an implacable enemy. It contains a rape scene, but this is not gratuitous and has realistic consequences. There is a happy ending, and the story revolves around the love between Crane and Nelson, and the power of that love to heal the wounded spirit.
Crane goes missing on a shore mission, and Nelson has no idea where to find him. Will he discover his captain's whereabouts before the enemy sells him to a foreign power? Their close bond becomes even closer when Nelson risks all to save him.
82 pages. One illustration.
Written for PP Press in 1994, this is a photostat of the original duplicated and printed zine now reproduced as a PDF. 127 pages.
No hair-raising adventures, no aliens - just the most beautifully written Crane/Nelson love story that was The Captain's best ever work.
Published on behalf of PP Press.
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We are also pleased to advertise the following "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" slash anthology with three novellas, published by Kathleen Resch.
Winner of the 1995 Stiffie award for best Science Fiction zine.
Containing three novellas:
Lee Crane is thrown into the future by the effect of an experimental drug.
(Winner of the 1995 Stiffie award for best Science Fiction novella.)
Lee stared at the scene which met his eyes without at first believing it... He was on Seaview. He must still be on Seaview. He was having some kind of hallucination, or delusion, or... But he wasn't even quite sure exactly whereabouts he had been on Seaview. In his cabin? In the control room? He looked around slowly, trying to resist the insidious fear that was building up inside him... An old man was sitting on the patio, reclining in a woven cane chair, eyes closed, apparently asleep. He was white-haired and ravaged by time, his skin tanned and weathered into a mask of wrinkles. Crane gazed at him with growing disbelief. Whoever the man was, he was a complete stranger, and Lee still had absolutely no idea what he was doing in this man's home; assuming, of course, that this old man was the owner....
The man sat up straighter, apparently not at all surprised to find a stranger standing beside his chair. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" he chuckled throatily.
The voice. That voice was so familiar. Rich, velvety, mellow - a little hoarse. The awful truth had begun to dawn on Lee even before the man laughed, causing his face to crease into a thousand new lines, his bright blue eyes still filled with the familiar light of life, and love.
"Harry!" he whispered. "Oh no!" Shock rooted Lee to the spot, draining all the strength out of him.
Lee Crane and Chip Morton, imprisoned by a criminal group, learn secrets about each other in the darkness.
I struggled and kicked against the three men who were dragging me after Chip, no longer caring what happened to me as I saw the blond man thrust over the edge and vanish from sight. My stomach turned over with horror. I had one piercing vision of Harry's face, as if he were right there beside me, then I was gripped harder and dragged to the mouth of the tank, forced over the metal rim and dropped into the yawning darkness. The last thing I saw as I fell was a brief glimpse of three dark shapes silhouetted against the lighter circle of the starlit sky. I threw up my arms to protect my head and tried to relax as I plunged headlong into pitch darkness, holding my breath in anticipation of a dive into cold liquid. Then I struck something, and everything went out in a brief flare of pain and brilliant light.
An encounter between Lee and Chip, while the Admiral is away, leads to an inebriated act of folly and guilty soul-searching for the two best friends. Can things between them ever be the same again?
ORDER THESE FROM: Kathleen Resch- Kathleener@aol.com
Zine-length Novels: All Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea |
1992 Or Else This Is A Dream | P.P.Press |
1994 The Hell Of Waters | P.P.Press |
1994 Sir, More Than Kisses | P.P.Press |
1995 My Kisses Shall Teach Thy Lips | P.P.Press |
1995 Forgive, If I Forget Thee | Triffid's Leg Press |
1996 Nor The Demons Down Under the Sea | Triffid's Leg Press |
1997 No Greater Love | Triffid's Leg Press |
2021 One More Tomorrow | Triffid's Leg Press |
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Anthologies: Men Who Dare |
Short stories, listed by: Title - fandom - the zine in which they were first published. |
1990 | Fandom | Zine in which first published |
Colours Of The Night | Captain Scarlet | Six Impossible Things - Letterzine |
Thumbnail Sketch | Land of the Giants | Uncharted Waters 3 |
Planet Of No Return | Planet of the Apes | Uncharted Waters 3 |
Brothers In Arms | Thunderbirds | LFB letterzine |
1991 | ||
Primary Colours | Captain Scarlet | Uncharted Waters 4 |
The Colours Of Love | Captain Scarlet | Uncharted Waters 4 |
Colours Of Blood And Twilight | Captain Scarlet | Uncharted Waters 4 |
Small Prey | Land of the Giants | Uncharted Waters 4 |
1992 | ||
French Moonlight | Biggles | One Way Or Another 6 |
Fly Boys 1925 | Biggles | One Way Or Another 6 |
Behind The Mask | Lone Ranger | One Way Or Another 6 |
Under A Silent Sea | Voyage | Friends Will Be Friends 1 |
A Time To Every Purpose | Time Tunnel | Uncharted Waters 6 |
1993 | ||
Just For Being Alive | Voyage | Deep Waters Only |
This Stealthy Serpent | Voyage | Uncharted Waters 8 |
O Come All Ye Faithful | Thunderbirds | LFB letterzine |
Passage of Time | Voyage | Friends Will Be Friends 2 |
1994 | ||
Highest Game Of All | Voyage | Different Voyages (USA) |
Athtar (Epic verse) | Voyage | Triffid's Leg Press |
1995 | ||
Owner Of Thee One Hour | Voyage | No Holds Barred 7 (USA) |
Those Crumbs Of Heaven | Voyage | No Holds Barred 7 (USA) |
1996 | ||
Metamorphosis | Next Generation | Devacon convention zine |
1998 | ||
Downtown Knight | Voyage | Forbidden Shores - T.L.P. |
Loved I Not Honour | Voyage | Forbidden Shores - T.L.P. |
Silver and Black | Voyage | Forbidden Shores - T.L.P. |
Up Periscope | Voyage | Forbidden Shores - T.L.P. |
Time and Tide | Voyage | Forbidden Shores - T.L.P. |
Journey Of Discovery | Journey into Space | This Happy Breed - T.L.P |
2005 | ||
Cradle of the Deep | Voyage | Oceans Deep - T.L.P |
Freedom is a Word | Voyage | Oceans Deep -T.L.P. |
The Gift | Voyage | Oceans Deep - T.L.P. |
Night of the Drabarni | Voyage | Oceans Deep - T.L.P. |
2010 | ||
The Experiment | Voyage | The Restless Wave - T.L.P. |
Happy Returns | Voyage | The Restless Wave - T.L.P. |
Heart's Desire | Voyage | The Restless Wave - T.L.P. |
The Portal | Voyage | The Restless Wave - T.L.P. |
2021 | ||
Vigil | Holmes | Swansong - T.L.P |
Brothers Under the Skin | Lone Ranger | Swansong - T.L.P |
Colours of Life and Death | Captain Scarlet | Swansong - T.L.P |
A Day in the Life | Captain Scarlet | Swansong - T.L.P |
Where Angels Fear | Highway to Heaven | Swansong - T.L.P |
Some of the early slash short stories, with the exception of 'Owner Of Thee One Hour', 'Those Crumbs Of Heaven', 'Journey of Discovery' and 'Passage of Time' (which is a shortened version of 'Crumbs'), are collected in the two anthologies: 'Men Who Dare' and 'Lindar's Voyages', both published by Triffid's Leg Press.
These are amateur, non-profit making publications.
No attempt is being made to supersede or infringe upon any copyright held by any individuals
or organisations whatsoever involved in or connected with the television series
'Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea' or any other series, book or film.
This document was produced by Dongle's HTML department.
on behalf of... Triffid's Leg Press. (C) 2023
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